This call for applications has been exceptionnaly extended until August 3 only for applicants from Marseille/Aix/Provence. It is no longer possible to apply for candidates from […]
Are you a Bachelor/Master/PhD student or a young professional with innovative ideas about the fashion industry? Do you have change-making ideas about sustainable fashion within a […]
MEL Creathon 2021 Lille, Belgium and the Netherlands « Sport, Health and Design » Are you a BA/MA/PhD student or a young professional residing in Belgium, the Netherlands […]
Cet article a été rédigé par les organisateurs de la Conférence Érasme-Descartes: l’Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Paris et l’Ambassade de France à La Haye. Tous les […]
Le Creathon Métropolitain est un marathon créatif en anglais axé sur le développement de projets innovants et de liens durables entre la Métropole européenne de Lille, […]
For the French version, please click here. « Sustainable Urban Design in the face of the health crisis, a potential people-centred solution? » Are you a […]