Réseau franco-néerlandais

Frans-Nederlandse universitaire samenwerking in een Europees kader.

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CLOSED: Call for applications – Young Talents 2023 – Quantum Technology

We are looking for Master or a PhD students from France and the Netherlands, with innovative ideas about quantum technology and its applications. Call open until the 17th of September 2023 included. 

Petit - plat (1)

Closed: Call for applications Cross-Creathon Wageningen-Lille 2023

Are you a Bachelor/Master/PDEng/PhD student or a young professional working or studying in the region of Lille, Belgium and the Netherlands? Do you have creative ideas on how to make the current food system more sustainable and resilient thanks to innovation and improvements ? Send your application before February 14, 2023

JT 2022 - En-tête

Closed: Call for applications Young Talents 2022

Are you a Master or a PhD student from France and the Netherlands, with innovative ideas about sustainable power sources for future aircrafts? Would you like to present your ideas to top officials of the airline industry, like Airbus and AirFranceKLM? Then apply for our Young Talents event before 19th of October 2022 at 23:59 CET (deadline pushed form the 12th to the 19th).

Young Talents 2021

Jeunes Talents: 12 jongeren uit Frankrijk en Nederland verkennen een nieuw perspectief voor de stad

12 studenten en jonge professionals uit Frankrijk en Nederland komen in Parijs en Rotterdam bijeen om de stad van morgen een nieuw perspectief te geven door bouwafval om te zetten in innovatieve materialen. Zij zullen samen met deskundigen spreken tijdens de 19e editie van de Erasmus-Descartes Conferentie, die op 19 november 2021 live vanuit Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam zal worden gehouden.

Creathon 2022 - LilleMaastricht (8)

Closed: Call for applications Cross-Creathon Maastricht-Lille 2022

Are you a bachelor/master/PDEng/PhD student or young professional in Belgium, the Netherlands or the Lille region? Do you have original ideas on how to innovate and improve citizen involvement in the circular economy? Are you creative and/or entrepreneurial? The call is now closed.